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A Scar Molding Kit comes Free with your purchase of a custom piece of jewelry. But if want to purchase a kit on it's own or purchase a second kit here is your opportunity.

A Warrior Scar Jewelry Molding Kit will arrive in the mail, you will get a container with 2-part molding compound and information about Molding Your Scar. You will follow the directions enclosed and send the mold of the scar you make, as well as the container it came in back to me. (I recycle the containers to help reduce my carbon footprint.)

If you order a piece of jewelry the estimated time of your finished piece is 6 - 8 weeks unless other arrangements are made. Changes to the design may delay delivery.

Simply mix equal amounts of the yellow and white putty together by hand until a uniform color is achieved.

Then make a patty and press it over the scar to be molded.

Amazing Mold Putty will cure to a flexible rubber in less than 20 minutes and will reproduce the beautiful detail of your scar.

Here are a few hints: Pick an area to a mold having an interesting variation. Never mold an open wound. You should mold an area slightly larger than the scar itself. There is enough in the container to make 1 or 2 molds. Remember I am working Jewelry Size, so think if you want the whole scar or a portion of the scar. A pendant made from the mold will be close to actual size, but there is some shrinkage in the process between 15 - 20%.

Scar Molding Kit

  • Return the unopen and unused molding kit within 30 days to receive a full refund.

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